Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blog Marathon- Day Five: Visiting Opa

Despite it being a Saturday, today, I did not get to sleep in (Okay, I did a little bit). But that was fine with me because today we got to visit my host mom's father. In Germany, children call their grandfather Opa, so that's how I shall refer to him here.
Opa lives in northern Germany near the border of Holland. It takes about 3 1/2 hours to drive their. The whole family didn't go, just my host mom, my two host brothers, and I. We packed our breakfast and snacks in a cooler and ate on the road, to save time and to give us something to do during the ride. I also brought the second Harry Potter book and a book for my English class along.
I spent most of the car ride reading the book for English class. It is one that the class had read prior to my arrival in Germany, but they'd been revisiting it in class in preparation for Abitur. Despite it being a fairly thick book, I told my teacher I'd have it done in a week.
We arrived at Opa's just before lunchtime. For which we ate soup and wursts that Opa had cooked.
Opa is a very sweet, old man. He was happy to have me in his home, he treated as if I were one of his grandchildren, and he was very understanding of my broken German. He asked me questions about myself and told me stories from when he was a kid. He reminds me a bit of my own grandfather.
While Opa took his midday nap, I spent some more time reading; the boys played games on the computer and my host mom was watching an old German Western movie.
In the afternoon we ate cake and drank coffee (one of my favorite German traditions). We then watched a soccer game.
We ate dinner just before leaving, and we're on the road be seven.
The trip back home was pretty much the same as on the way there, except it was dark, so that kind of put a damper on reading.
Now I'm home, in bed, typing this, and read to sleep. So one that note, good night. Gute Nacht.

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